Dr. Martin Luther King inspired us to take our faith in Christ seriously. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, as all God’s children from every state and every city to join hands and sing. An inspirational opener or transition video for MLK weekend that can be used in-person or through your digital ministry.
Need a service opener that reminds people to worship God with their whole hearts? While this video won't work in every church, preview it to see if it might work in yours.
Featuring beautiful and thoughtful paper cut artwork from Janelle Washington, This mini movie displays quotes from iconic African Americans who embody the legacy and heritage that have helped shape America, and the world, into a more peaceful place. Encourage your congregation to look boldly to the future by remembering the past.
This uplifting video is a powerful reminder that God’s love, power, and mercy doesn’t change, and wherever two or more are gathered, that unchanging God is there.
We must declare it over ourselves and over others... Jesus hasn't left us! No matter the season, you can join Him in declaring the truth. God is our light. He is our strength. He can bring what's dead back to life again. This mini movie is a perfect reminder in the New Year or any new season of life that God is not done with us and He will complete the good work that He has started within us.
This new year, we cry out to the One who restores, refreshes and makes all things new. This worship opener is a great choice for your New Year’s service, or any transformation or renewal service.