A New Day
Centerline New Media
A powerful mini-movie based on 2 Corinthians 5:17. Also check out Service Pack Volume 5 for coordinating media!
The joy in the face of a child is many times the biggest proof that life is one of the greatest gifts we receive from God.
True love keeps no records of wrongs. This powerful story of love and forgiveness is based on the book of Hosea. It portrays the questions we face when love gets hard, and our responsibility to love like Christ.
Choose Life
Hyper Pixels Media
Through the voice of a young child, this video presents powerful scripture which reveals God's heart on the sanctity of human life.
What happens without vision? A comical interpretation of Proverbs 29:18.
A New Year
Centerline New Media
A powerful mini-movie for New Year’s based on 2 Corinthians 5:17.
The past can keep us trapped. This worship intro is a great way to start off any service dealing with letting go of the past and moving on toward what God has for you next. Great uses for New Years, Baptism, Easter.
Una Oracion Navideña
Centerline New Media
Ideal para cualquier servicio durante la temporada de Navidad, esta mini-película es un llamado para unirse a la alegría del nacimiento de Cristo. (Basado en "A Christmas Prayer" de Robert Louis Stevenson.)
He aquí el Cordero de Dios, que como niño vino en humildad, nacido para quitar nuestros pecados. Una nueva mini película inspiradora para la temporada de Navidad.
Light Is Born Worship Intro
Journey Box Media
“Light is Born” is a creative telling of the Angel’s proclamation of Jesus’ birth to the shepherds to help make it real for our age. The Christmas season is the perfect time to be reminded of the day light was born.
Behold the Lamb of God, who came as a child in humbleness, born to take away our sins. An inspiring mini-movie for the Christmas season.
Immanuel Is Born
Centerline New Media
God could have come to Earth with a show of power and might, but instead he came in gentleness, His glory and His thunder laid aside. A reflective mini-movie for the Christmas season.
Regocijate Oh Tierra
Centerline New Media
¡Griten de Jubilo oh cielos! ¡regocíjate oh tierra! Pues te ha nacido un Salvador. Una poderosa introducción de adoración para la temporada de Navidad.
A Christmas Prayer
Centerline New Media
Great for any service during the Christmas season, this mini-movie is a call to join in the joy of Christ’s birth. (Based on “A Christmas Prayer” by Robert Louis Stevenson.)
Se supone que la Navidad está llena de alegría, pero la Navidad no puede sentir nada más que alegría. ¿Estamos de suerte esta Navidad? Comparte Esta Temporada esta Navidad con tu congregación.