This high energy worship-starter reminds us that the greatest act of worship we can give God is to present our lives before Him, as a surrendered offering. Based on Romans 12:1-2.
How often do we sit in the seat of thanksgiving throughout the day? What does it mean to "give thanks in all circumstances"? And who are we teaching to say thanks along with us?
The United States is the greatest nation on earth, not because of its military power or financial capacities, but because we are one nation UNDER GOD. Works great for any patriotic-themed service or event.
When contemplating freedom, many different images come to mind. Ultimately, though, only one image is most important - the cross. Also available in a Spanish Version.
Using quotes from our Founding Fathers, this video leaves no debate that our country was founded on Christian principles, and even on Christ Himself. It is sure to inspire-and even surprise-everyone in your congregation.
No matter who we are or what our personal experience with fatherhood is, there is one thing we all share. We all have a faithful, active and perfect Heavenly Father who loves us passionately and unconditionally.
Something that can never be said enough. This Father's Day, sit back and flip through an old photo album full of memorable moments we've had with our fathers.
This unique video has been created by worship leaders, for worship leaders. It's designed to take good people from a focus on self, into a focus on a God who is desiring to intersect their daily lives.
Remember when your kids wanted to be just like you? It's not enough to tell them they should stay on the right path. They're going to follow you. Where are you leading them?
Christmas is one of the best times to invite someone to church! Use this sweet and heartwarming mini-movie to encourage your community to invite their friends and co-workers to church on Christmas.
As an elderly woman prepares the annual Thanksgiving meal for her family, letters from her granddaughter reveal how her humble service to her family over the years stands as a lasting example to them of the love of Christ.
Christmas is supposed to be filled with joy, but Christmas can feel anything but joyful. Are we out of luck this Christmas? Share Tis The Season this Christmas with your congregation.