What if the reward of seeing people come to Christ this Easter was worth the personal risk of rejection. Use this mini-movie for with your congregation during the weeks before Easter.
The story of Jesus is a story the world needs to hear. And what if God wants to tell that story through you? This mini-movie is the non-Easter version of "Easter Reward".
To many, being blessed looks like having wealth, power, and influence. Jesus had a radically different view of what being well-off and being blessed really looks like.
In this day and age, the world pressures mothers to define themselves by their occupation, when they should feel proud to define themselves by their most important job: being a mom
While we are grateful to all who’ve served in our Armed Forces, Memorial Day is that time set aside to specifically remember the soldiers who’ve paid the ultimate price with their very lives.
Celebrate Mother's Day with a daughter's look back at what really impacts the life of a child. Moms are often faced with many pressures to "have it all together". This video is a reminder that sometimes children can help release us from unnecessary expectations.
It’s not enough to simply recognize the things Mothers do. We must honor the heart that defines who they are. This collection of quotes – set to to emotional music and imagery – will make every mother in your congregation feel understood, appreciated and loved.
Have you ever wanted to creatively communicate your core beliefs to your congregation? Play this anytime, anywhere, and let people know what drives your church.