1 Corinthians 13 shares the truest definition of love, and that love takes on a deeper meaning as we get older. This heartwarming mini-movie takes a peek at how this can play out in real life.
“One nation, under God, indivisible...” Throughout our great nation's history, God has been acknowledged and praised by our highest leaders - our Presidents.
After inviting friends to church for Easter, it's natural to relax in the success of our seasonal outreach. Let this After Easter invite video help encourage your congregation to not let the conversation - and invitation - end.
Your church will be full of all kinds of people this Easter, all with diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds. Welcome them all into your church with this Easter Welcome video.
¿Qué le dirías a un amigo que te traicionó o te repudió? ¿Qué le harías a un hombre que te golpeó y se burló de ti? ¿Qué le dirías a la gente que te crucifica? Jesús nos mostró qué decir y qué hacer. Perfecto para el Viernes Santo y los servicios de Pascua o cualquier sermón sobre el perdón.
Las uñas no podían sostenerlo. La cruz no pudo terminarlo. La piedra no pudo retenerlo. La muerte no podría vencerlo. Use esta mini película como una poderosa introducción a su tiempo de adoración en el Domingo de Pascua.
Utilice esta mini película como una poderosa introducción a su tiempo de adoración en el Domingo de Ramos. (Basado en Zacarías 9: 9, Salmo 118: 25-29 y Mateo 21.)
God has always shown up in the most unlikely places. Jesus’ life was the greatest example of that. Perfect for Easter or any moment in your services that want to convey the impact of Jesus.
Many are familiar with the famous story of how Edward Kimball's witness to Dwight L. Moody eventually led to the conversion of Billy Graham. But, just as miraculous, are the ways that God will use our faithful witness to change the world.
What would you say to a friend who betrayed you or disowned you? What would you do to a man who beat you and mocked you? What would you say to the people crucifying you? Watch Forgive (Good Friday) today!
The nails could not hold Him. The cross could not finish Him. The stone could not keep Him. Death could not defeat Him. Use this mini-movie as a powerful intro to your time of worship on Easter Sunday.