Reverse Psychology
Shift Worship
This Easter invite mini movie gives five solid reasons NOT to invite your friends and neighbors to your Easter service.
Scared Forward
Journey Box Media
The reality of the Resurrection hasn't changed in 2,000 years. This mini movie demonstrates that the significance and impact of the gospel are the same today as they were back then.
You Got This
Journey Box Media
This Father’s Day, remind dads that their influence lasts far beyond the most intensive years of hands-on parenting.
Christmas Chaos Invite
Hyper Pixels Media
Christmas can be a very chaotic time of year. Especially when we loose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. It is also one of the best times of the year to invite visitors to your church.
Las invitaciones que más importan provienen de personas que invierten en nuestras vidas. Use invitaciones para alentar a su iglesia a invitar a alguien que le importe a la iglesia.
The invitations that matter the most come from people who are invested in our lives. Use Invitations to encourage your church to invite someone they care about to church.
Welcome your congregation to the service -- and wish your moms a Happy Mother's Day -- with this lighthearted, upbeat reflection on the funny things moms sometimes say and how what they don't say speaks loudest of all.
A surprising, fun Mother's Day mini movie capturing both a child's desire to give his mom a nice day AND what turns into a celebration of her joy in playing with him.
Stuff People Say
Journey Box Media
Ever stop and listen to people? Most of us are blessed with great things, yet we complain about the most ridiculous inconveniences. This light-hearted mini-movie is a great way to open a message on being content, thankfulness, or entitlement.
Spring Forward Sunday (March 13, 2016) is one of the most dreaded weeks for many churches as many people come in late.
Love Is For Losers
Dan Stevers
We live in a culture in which losing is the enemy, but Christ calls us to do most things backwards from what the world and our flesh are telling us. Based on the blog post, "Marriage is for Losers", by Dr. Kelly Flanagan.
Advent Antics: Love
Dan Stevers
Sarah decorates her house in a way that has some surprising effects.
Advent Antics: Joy
Dan Stevers
Charlie chops down a Christmas tree and takes it home, however, he brings home more than he expected.
Advent Antics: Hope
Dan Stevers
Timmy dreams of the incredible possibilities for a Christmas present that he finds under the tree.