This fun and fast-paced Labor Day mini-movie reminds us that our attitude toward our job matters to God. The scripture teaches us that we are called to work with our whole hearts, as unto God.
When we focus too much on the screen and too little on what’s happening around us, we might miss out on some of life’s most beautiful moments.
The Lord's Prayer
Centerline New Media
In Matthew 6, Jesus taught us to pray in this way. This video can be used to begin your service, to kick off your time of worship, or as an introduction to your message.
This Moment
Floodgate Productions
God gives us moments in every worship service. Will we pour ourselves into them, or let them pass us by?!
Why have we gathered to praise Him? What makes our God so great? This brief call-to-worship mini movie provides answers to those questions from Psalm 146, making it a great lead-in to a time of praise and worship.
The Word On Worship
Steelehouse Media Group
How churches worship may vary from one congregation to the next, but Who we worship is our great unifier. The Word declares that we worship the Lord in spirit and in truth...
Perfect for Valentine’s Day or any service on marriage and relationships.
The hard work of justice for everyone is far from over.
Remembering Martin Luther King Jr
Hyper Pixels Media
Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with our memorable and thought-provoking remembrance video.
This brief, uplifting resurrection starter references the multitude of angels absent from the crucifixion and the two sent to announce that Jesus was absent from his tomb.
The Jesus Story
Floodgate Productions
The Story of God’s love, embodied and seen in the Person of Jesus, is indeed the greatest Story ever told. But what is that Story, and what are we being invited into?
Fearless Worship Intro
Centerline New Media
What are you afraid of? What is holding you back? Jesus has taken your sin at the cross and conquered death. Christ is risen! Death is no longer the end!
This Is Jesus (Palm Sunday)
Hyper Pixels Media
When the crowd heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, they took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
Las invitaciones que más importan provienen de personas que invierten en nuestras vidas. Use invitaciones para alentar a su iglesia a invitar a alguien que le importe a la iglesia.
Using a unique animation technique, multiple narrators and lots of Scripture, this dramatic, Easter-appropriate mini movie...