I'm Sorry Mom
Journey Box Media
There's nothing like becoming a parent to give you perspective and appreciation for all of your mom's sacrifices through the years. "I'm Sorry, Mom" is a comical, yet heartfelt, apology and expression of gratitude that's perfect for Mother's Day.
La ascención de Jesucristo es probablemente el acto más intrigante en la tierra. ¿Cuál es su importancia y qué realmente representa para nosotros?
The ascension is perhaps Jesus Christ's most puzzling act on earth. Why does it matter and what does it mean for us?
Spanish Version
We have seen enough of what divides us: race, politics, religion. It's time for the Church to step up and speak "love" into these divisions.
Cain y Abel, trajeron ofrendas al Señor, pero solo la de Abel fue aceptada. ¿Por qué Dios rechazo la ofrenda de Caín?
Cain and Abel brought offerings to the Lord but only Abel’s was accepted. Why did God reject Cain’s offering? This mini-movie looks at the principal of the firstfruit and why it's central to our giving.
Formed By His Hand
Hyper Pixels Media
Using emotional music and graphics similar to those found in children's story books, this video presents a powerful message about the Sanctity of Life.
A New Year Focused On Jesus
Hyper Pixels Media
Going into the new year, many will make resolutions to get into shape, take up a new hobby, or accomplish something from their bucket list.
Strengthen Us - A New Year's Prayer
Centerline New Media
A happy year - it’s something we’d all like to have. However, we must look beyond our circumstances in our pursuit of happiness.
Hope Is Here This Christmas
Floodgate Productions
Hope is present during every season, and especially during our gatherings during Christmas.
That Night Part 2
Shift Worship
That Night Part 2 emphasizes that on this night, as well, only those who have heard and believed in Jesus will truly understand the peace of Christ this Christmas. Who will we tell?
That Night Part 1
Shift Worship
That Night Part 1 notes that only those who had heard and believed the message of the angels knew what was happening the night Jesus was born.
Emmanuel Christmas Worship
Hyper Pixels Media
With moving music and contemporary graphics, this Christmas mini-movie will create an atmosphere of worship at the beginning of your Christmas or Christmas Eve Service.
Hay un rey sobre todo rey. Hay un rey detrás de todo rey.
Rey, de, reyes, Jesús, Jesús ", realeza, señor, señores, Navidad, Pascua.
The Gift Of Christmas
Journey Box Media
What does it say about the character of God that He would give His only son for us? So often, we spend Christmas focused on what it is like to receive this gift, but in The Gift of Christmas...