How often do we sit in the seat of thanksgiving throughout the day? What does it mean to "give thanks in all circumstances"? And who are we teaching to say thanks along with us?
Many of us hope for a different Christmas this year, but experience the same thing over and over. Maybe the answer has been there all along. Also includes the matching motion and still free with the purchase of this mini-movie.
New Year's resolutions. We all make them. And we all break them. But what if this year was different? What if we relied on God's strength to look at different possibilities?
"On Easter weekend, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. sat in a Birmingham jail and reflected in writing on the power of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. This short film artistically expresses the power of Christ on the cross through the poetry of King's own words."
The story of Easter can be told from many different perspectives; but each will always come down to one word that best describes it: Life. Ours is not a story of death. Ours is a story of life.
A Body Of Worship mini movie is based on Romans 12:1. "A Body of Worship" reminds us that our bodies are to be living sacrifices to God. This is our spiritual act of worship.
The United States is the greatest nation on earth, not because of its military power or financial capacities, but because we are one nation UNDER GOD. Works great for any patriotic-themed service or event.
Using quotes from our Founding Fathers, this video leaves no debate that our country was founded on Christian principles, and even on Christ Himself. It is sure to inspire-and even surprise-everyone in your congregation.
Inviting someone to your church's services doesn't have to be complex, or driven by guilt. Hear the voice of someone who could be sitting in your church this Sunday. This is the non-seasonal version of "Easter-Invite Me In".
Celebrating the birth of Jesus is more then a time for gift exchanges and parties. It is the fulfillment of the long awaited promise of an eternal covenant.