Christmas trees, Christmas lights, and Christmas cookies… it’s easy to get carried away with the spirit of the season. But is this really what Christmas is all about? Maybe this year we can have some Christmas spirit… the right way.
Inviting someone to your church's Easter services doesn't have to be complex, or driven by guilt. Hear the voice of someone who could be sitting in your church this Easter.
The new year is a perfect time to embrace God's transforming hand in our lives. It might not be quick or easy, but He still transforms our hearts every day. Music by "Autumn in Repair".
The celebration of the end of one year and the beginning of another is the perfect time to focus on the very real need all Christians have to leave the past behind and press on to the future.
The Sanctity of Life, more specifically the sanctity of life from conception to birth is a difficult and tragic subject today. This video is a collection of thoughts and challenging quotes from important individuals known and unknown that grapple with the subject.
Start the New Year off right with A Prayer for the New Year from Centerline New Media. Based on the Prayer of St. Francis, this mini-movie reminds us of the importance of seeking to comfort rather than to be comforted, to understand than to be understood, and to love than to be loved.
Everyone needs a new beginning - whether it be from a personal failing, tragic past, or in the desire to pursue a dream. The need for renewal is not only what we embrace at the New Year; it's also at the heart of salvation itself.
From the beginning of time, God had a plan for the first Christmas. This fast-paced video takes a look at the purpose behind Christmas and our need for a Savior.