As you spend more time at your home during this global pandemic, remember that the table is one of the most sacred places.
The table is more than a place to eat- it’s a central location for much of our lives. Here you will find peace, love, nourishment, and thankfulness. This celebration of gratitude is perfect for Thanksgiving, communion, or any message that focuses on gratitude and spending time with loved ones.
You are our strength, our guide, our comforter. You give forgiveness, love, and redemption. Thank you for your Spirit, thank you for your Son. You are worthy of our praise. An upbeat mini-movie for your Thanksgiving and Fall services.
Spanish Version
Tú eres nuestra fuerza, nuestro guía, nuestro consolador. Tú das perdón, amor y redención. Gracias por tu Espíritu, gracias por tu Hijo. Eres digno de nuestro elogio. Una mini-película optimista para sus servicios de Acción de Gracias y Otoño.
This mini-movie honors the sacrifices of our military veterans for their service to this nation. We ask God to give comfort and peace to all who have served and also to stir up a passion for peace in the hearts of leaders of every nation.
Using scripture from Matthew 6:19-21, this reflective mini-movie is a statement from us to God expressing the heart behind why we give. It works great to set up a sermon on generosity, or to prepare for a time of giving.
This world has a very unhealthy view of love. But, Jesus told His disciples, “A new command I give to you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Jesus is our example of what love should be. And, because God loves us, we can love our friends, neighbors, and even our enemies. Use this uplifting mini-movie before Valentine’s Day or anytime you are preaching on the topic of “love”. It will also work great during your Valentine’s Banquet or any other special Valentine’s Day program.
With a focus on how marriage is intended by God as a picture of his love for the church in Christ, this brief worship starter is appropriate for Valentines season, wedding and anniversary events or any emphasis on marriage and the love of God for his bride.
This prayer from Ephesians 3 is designed to use at the end of a service, sending your congregation out with encouragement and a focus on the glory of God.
The word “nativity” comes from the Latin word meaning “to be born”, and truly the nativity is the birthplace of hope. With this beautifully fresh perspective that links the story of creation to the Christmas story, we are reminded that the good news began when God spoke and created, beginning the greatest love story of all time.
This mini-movie explores the reasons for giving, fasting, and praying during the season of Lent. It can be used to explain to your congregation and visitors the reasons for observing these customs leading up to Easter. Great for Ash Wednesday or any service during the Lent season.
Lent is a time of prayer, repentance, giving, and self-denial. As Jesus spent 40 days in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11), where He endured temptation by the devil, we follow his example during the season of lent where we deny self, pray, and focus on God.