Is Jesus really the only way to God? Seems intolerant to hold to such a belief. Challenge your congregation by helping them step into the belief system of most unchurched people.
This video is a beautiful way to pay tribute to Moms on Mother's Day. Its elegant design combined with the timeless scriptures of Proverbs 31 are sure to melt every mother's heart. The video works great as a sermon introduction or as a special time set aside just to honor mothers.
This exciting video, works well as a sermon introduction or as a promotional piece to answer the questions that The Da Vinci Code raises. Use this video to turn debate about the book into an evangelistic opportunity to teach about the reliability of Scripture, the divinity of Christ, and the historical realities of the church.
Is your church a community or a commodity? It’s easy for us to fall into the trap of “what does my church do for me?” Purchase includes the original version (1:56 – As Previewed) and an alternate version (2:32).
For congregations unfamiliar with Advent, this introduction helps serve as primer for its practices and traditions, ones that have for centuries helped Christians focus on and commemorate the true reason of the Christmas season.
With praise on our lips and gratitude in our hearts, The Joy Candle expresses our excitement for the Child who will be born and the King who will return.