Steelehouse 10 Commandments #4
Steelehouse Media Group
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the fourth commandment "Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy."
Steelehouse 10 Commandments #8
Steelehouse Media Group
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the eighth commandment "You shall not steal."
Welcome To Our Church
Floodgate Productions
Have you ever wanted to creatively communicate your core beliefs to your congregation? Play this anytime, anywhere, and let people know what drives your church.
Pierced For Our Transgressions
Hyper Pixels Media
This powerful video takes a 3-dimensional look at the sufferings (or the Passion) of Jesus when compared with the words of the Centurion, "Surely this man was innocent."