A service starter based on Isaiah 42 that focuses on justice. For matching motions see "Infinite". Also available in English.
This Mother’s Day, celebrate moms for who they are, not just what they do. English version also available.
Bendicion En La Tormenta
Dan Stevers
Use this video to close out your next streamed or pre-recorded service to create a quiet, prayerful space. Also available in English.
Church Online Opener Spanish
Dan Stevers
An element from the “Church Online Streaming Package”, a collection of video assets for live streaming and pre-recorded church services. Includes a countdown, opener, closer, and stills.
The parable of the prodigal son is a portrait of the extravagant love of God. Use this video as a segue into an Easter sermon centered around the parable of the prodigal son to show God's extravagant love for us seen through Jesus' death and resurrection. For matching motion backgrounds see "Nomad".
A service starter based on Psalm 95 featuring aerials of the Scottish highlands. Created in partnership with Stephen Proctor of CONSTRVCT Visuals. For a matching motion backgrounds see "Highlands". Also available in "English".
La Quinta Copa
Hyper Pixels Media
Time and again the Bible speaks of a cup of wrath which will be poured out against sinners.
La Celda
Steelehouse Media Group
Esta es la prisión que construiste ladrillo por ladrillo. Bienvenidos a tu casa. La Celda es un video de mucho poder sobre nuestra adicción al pecado.
A high energy service starter based on Proverbs 3:3-6.
Es Pascua, Celebremos
Centerline New Media
Con música movida y visuales llamativos, este video de Pascua es perfecto para comenzar el Servicio de Resurrección.
Comienza lentamente e irrumpe en colores brillantes con texto en negrillas describiendo lo que la Resurrección implica para nosotros.
Easter Greater Love Spanish
Pixel Preacher
Jesus the ultimate portrayal of unconditional love. John 15:13 says, “greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends”. God’s plan was always Jesus. From the beginning of time, this incredible love was prophesied then delivered to end the tyranny of darkness. Jesus stepped in front of us and bore the sins of the world so that we may be forever loved and forgiven. This Easter package is to celebrate a Greater Love that can change our lives forever.
En Aguas Profundas
Dan Stevers
A service opener about finding peace in the storm. For matching motion backgrounds see "Oceans". Also available in English.
A service opener based on the "Celestial Glass" motion pack designed to create a moment of rest at the start of a service that transitions into a time of worship.
Los regalos que damos y recibimos en navidad son recordatorios de que Dios no ha dado la mejor regalo que recibiremos jamás.
Rescue - Easter
Pixel Preacher
Easter reminds us of the incredible and monumental rescue that took place over 2000 years
ago. Since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, we have needed the rescuing hand of God to
deliver us from evil and sin. This Easter series is to remind us of how God has been rescuing
us since the beginning.