Have you ever considered the specific voices being spoken to people as they sit in your worship services? There are two sets of voices, and helping your people identify them could allow them to hear the One true voice that matters most. Share Shouts and Whisperers to see the voice that matters.
This high energy worship-starter reminds us that the greatest act of worship we can give God is to present our lives before Him, as a surrendered offering. Based on Romans 12:1-2.
When we're in church, it's easy to get distracted by the good things, and miss the Best. Help remind your congregation that worship is all about Jesus.
Encourage your church to invite their friends and share the good news about Jesus Christ. This video will remind your congregation of those around them who need to hear the life changing message of Christ.
"Easter Hope Worship Intro" will provide a powerful introduction to your Easter Service and will prepare your people to worship our risen Lord and Savior.
“Light is Born” is a creative telling of the Angel’s proclamation of Jesus’ birth to the shepherds to help make it real for our age. The Christmas season is the perfect time to be reminded of the day light was born.
Powerful worship intro with 3d Text emphasizing the names of Christ and the verses in scripture where He is named. This service opener will get your congregation excited and in the right mindset for worship.