The Jesus Story
Floodgate Productions
The Story of God’s love, embodied and seen in the Person of Jesus, is indeed the greatest Story ever told. But what is that Story, and what are we being invited into?
Fearless Worship Intro
Centerline New Media
What are you afraid of? What is holding you back? Jesus has taken your sin at the cross and conquered death. Christ is risen! Death is no longer the end!
Just Like You Said
Shift Worship
This Easter-themed mini movie reflects on the fact that Jesus' death and resurrection happened just as he predicted ...
Based on Psalm 138, this high-energy, motion-graphics mini movie starter is a call to praise our God and proclaim his power and goodness in full view of all the world
Based on Colossians 3:1-4, Psalm 27:13, and Psalm 123:1, this worship starter will encourage your congregation to lift their eyes from the worthless distractions of the world to worship the One who keeps our real lives with Him.
Sing His Praise Worship Intro
Hyper Pixels Media
Using selected scripture from Psalm 68, this worship intro video will prepare the hearts of your people for praise and worship.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A modern musical and visual take on the traditional hymn of praise.
He is the King above all king. He is the King behind all kings.
Hope Is Born
Centerline New Media
Even in our darkest times, when it seems like God is silent, He is still working for our good. For out of the darkness of that silent night, Hope was born!
Welcome To Church Christmas
Centerline New Media
Welcome newcomers to your church this Christmas season with this fun and upbeat mini-movie. A creative way to make guests feel comfortable and communicate who you are as a church and what you believe.
Jesus's presence is constant and available but it must be sought out. This was true for the shepherds and wisemen and it's true for us today.
El Evangelio De La Navidad
Dan Stevers
Una meditación sobre el nacimiento de Cristo a través de la lente de la cruz.
La presencia de Jesús es constante y disponible, pero tiene que ser buscada. Esto fue verdad para los pastores y los tres Reyes Magos y hoy es verdad para nosotros.
Thank You Lord
Hyper Pixels Media
With contemporary music and graphics, this mini-movie will inspire your congregation to worship God with Thanksgiving. God has done so much, and we have so many reasons to be thankful.
With gorgeous late-fall images, this brief Thanksgiving worship starter asks, “Shouldn’t we wait and see what winter brings before offering our thanks to God?”