May we pursue righteousness and Godliness, for our hope is not in wealth. Our hope is in God, our provider. Share this prayer for generosity with your congregation.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A modern musical and visual take on the traditional hymn of praise.
In this powerful short movie we turn back to the tragedy that occurred on September, 11 2001 and call out to God to help us remember the unity and compassion that brought us together and that He is the God who heals and restores.
An abstract interpretation of the fall of man that ends right at the moment where man and woman eat from the tree. This video is open-ended and invites you to take the story in whichever direction you want. The video could lead into an event like Christmas or Easter, or it could intro the topic of sin or salvation. Be creative and see where it takes you.
When we celebrate Veterans Day, we’re not just celebrating the service of our veterans; we’re celebrating their sacrifice. It takes honor and courage to keep America safe. This Veterans Day, show your gratitude for their service and inspire your congregation with this powerful and timeless Veterans Day mini movie!
Father, we recognize all the wasted hours we have spent chasing worthless wisdom. Yet You are still here to hear our confession. Your pour out Your grace and mercy and guide us to a better way. Hear our prayer... Help us trust in You and You alone, that you will provide us everything we need.
onnect your congregation to the Advent message of Hope. This mini-movie is a part of our larger Inspirational Advent Collection, all created with the same visual consistency and messaging.