World Hunger Crisis
Hyper Pixels Media
More people around the world are dying of starvation than any other time in history. Please use this video to encourage GIVING to relieve world hunger during this time of unprecedented crisis. World Hunger Sunday is October 11th!
God, in Christ, stepped into our shoes and walked. But are we willing to do the same for people who aren't like us, and who may not believe the same things we believe? Christians can struggle with being judgmental, until they walk in someone else's shoes.
The Greatest Gift
Floodgate Productions
The United States is the greatest nation on earth, not because of its military power or financial capacities, but because we are one nation UNDER GOD. Works great for any patriotic-themed service or event.
Hyper Pixels Media
Resurrection is a visually stunning depiction of the death and resurrection of Christ. This video is a wonderful way to open your Easter Service, Sunrise Service, or a sermon about the power and hope found in Jesus' resurrection.
Do Not Worry
Centerline New Media
Worry...In times like these, it seems so easy to be consumed by it. But what did Jesus say about worrying? Matthew 6:25-33.
A visual interpretation of the most famous prayer in the bible. Peaceful and contemplative. Uses the NASB translation.
At The Tomb
Centerline New Media
2,000 years ago Jesus Christ stood before a group of religious leaders and said, "Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days." (John 2:19) At the time, no one fully understood what He meant, but we do now. Stand before the Tomb and witness the event that changed the world forever.
It Is Finished
Steelehouse Media Group
It is finished. The most powerful words ever uttered. The end of sin's stranglehold on mankind. Jesus replaced guilt with grace in one moment that not only put an end to your penalty - it also began your transformation.
Easter 1963
Steelehouse Media Group
"On Easter weekend, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. sat in a Birmingham jail and reflected in writing on the power of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. This short film artistically expresses the power of Christ on the cross through the poetry of King's own words."
Celebrate Easter with this artistic, moving depiction of Christ's sacrifice and triumph over the grave.
A Mother's Love
Hyper Pixels Media
This video is based on the true story of how Solomon Rosenberg and his family were sent to a Nazi Concentration Camp during World War II. Out of the horror of this Holocaust experience come one of the most beautiful stories of love and sacrifice. This video is a wonderful illustration of the depth of God's love.
A Mother Is
Floodgate Productions
Help you congregation put words and feelings to a mother's love and sacrifice. Help the mothers in your church to feel honored and appreciated.
Gift Of Worship
Floodgate Productions
Most Christians need to learn that the heart of worship is giving to God, not receiving from Him. Help equip and train your people to understand this biblical truth. Music by Jeremy Riddle.
I Am A Visitor
Floodgate Productions
The average congregation member has forgotten what it feels like to be a first-time visitor. Help them put those shoes on again.