Cristo fue crucificado y sepultado, pero la tumba no pudo retenerlo. En la mañana de Pascua la piedra fue removida, Él ha resucitado, ¡Él ha ganado! De reflectante a triunfante, esta poderosa introducción ayudará a preparar a su congregación para sus servicios de adoración de Pascua.
Encourage your church to invite their friends and share the good news about Jesus Christ. This video will remind your congregation of those around them who need to hear the life changing message of Christ.
A reflection on one of the greatest Christmas carols of all-time, “O Come All Ye Faithful”. Perfect as an intro to the song. Based on a sermon from Craig Groeschel.
In 1854, a young Charles Spurgeon preached his Christmas Eve sermon on Isaiah 7:14-15. Using Spurgeon's words from that sermon, an original score and a collection of animated paintings, this
For congregations unfamiliar with Advent, this introduction helps serve as primer for its practices and traditions, ones that have for centuries helped Christians focus on and commemorate the true reason of the Christmas season.
With praise on our lips and gratitude in our hearts, The Joy Candle expresses our excitement for the Child who will be born and the King who will return.
Download includes 2 versions! Use the "Christmas version" (shown in the preview) to remind your congregation to invite someone to church during the Christmas season..
Often we take our family for granted. This heartfelt Christmas mini-movie reminds us of the joy of Christmas and family together. Purchase includes a bonus version WITHOUT the intro quote.