Worship The King Christmas Eve
Centerline New Media
Let us join with Mary & Joseph, the angels, the shepherds, and the wise men to celebrate, proclaim, and worship Jesus. Great for Christmas Eve.
Out Of The Darkness
Floodgate Productions
The light of Jesus came into our world, and the darkness can never extinguish it. Created for the Christmas season, with a specific emphasis on your church's Candlelight Services.
Go After Easter Challenge
Hyper Pixels Media
After Easter, Jesus continued to minister on this planet for another 40 days before He ascended into Heaven. During that time, he opened the disciple’s eyes. He opened their minds to understand scripture. And, most importantly, after Easter he gave His church the Great Commission.
Return Of The King (Good Friday)
Journey Box Media
Jesus was not the king his people were looking for - this lead him to the cross. Long live the king!
Use this mini-movie to celebrate Resurrection Sunday. This movie also coordinates with the Easter Words Collection.
Death through Adam, life through Christ. The story of humanity's descent and redemption.
Spanish Version
Muerte a través de Adán, vida por medio de Cristo. La historia del descenso y redención de la humanidad.
English Version .
Hope Of Easter Invite
Hyper Pixels Media
We can all get so busy and self-absorbed, that we overlook the hurting people all around us who need to be introduced to Jesus. Easter is a very special time, when the unchurched are open to accepting an invite to visit your church. Use this powerful video to remind your congregation about the need to invite their family, friends, and neighbors to your church's Easter Services. This Easter invite video will make a great introduction to a sermon about the great commission, evangelism or outreach.
Nacerá sin celebración alguna, en el lugar más humilde imaginado; sin embargo nacerá para cambiar el mundo para siempre. Celebra el nacimiento de Jesús en tus servicios de Navidad o Noche Buena con una chispa diferente. Basado en Lucas 1:32 y Lucas 2:11, este mini-movie es perfecto para comenzar un tiempo de adoración o una ilustración para el sermón de tus servicios de Diciembre.
This Christmas, celebrate the miracle of God coming to redeem us. He did not send an angel or prophet, but He came himself. After 400 years of silence, in the fullness of time, God came in flesh, born in the most humble of conditions. Create a worshipful atmosphere during Christmas by taking a fresh look at the nativity. This powerful Christmas mini-movie will make a great worship intro at the beginning of your Christmas services, or a moving opening to your sermon during the Christmas season.
The Risen Way
Journey Box Media
Remind your community that the power of the resurrection is the same power that can help them to overcome loss, defeat, doubt, and death. Perfect for Easter Sunday, and designed to work with our Easter Invite video:
Good News.
Hosanna - Palm Sunday Worship Intro
Hyper Pixels Media
On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode a donkey toward the gates of Jerusalem while crowds of people were waving palm branches and shouting, “Hosanna”. But, the Pharisees were angry and told Jesus, “Quiet your people down.” Jesus replied, “If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” This Palm Sunday, encourage your congregation to “cry out” to Hosanna! Encourage your congregation to worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Prepare your people to worship Jesus in spirit and in truth.
A Prayer For Lent
Centerline New Media
A prayer to God to strengthen and renew our spirits through prayer, fasting, service and confession, as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Great for Ash Wednesday or any service during Lent.
A service starter about praising God in the face of present circumstances. For matching motion backgrounds see "Verdant".
Lent With Christ In The Desert
Hyper Pixels Media
This mini-movie reflects on the season of Lent thru the passage found in Matthew 4:1-11, where Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. As we follow Jesus in the wilderness, we learn profound truths about ourselves. We learn that we must give up what we want to focus on what we need. We learn that it is in yielding our rights and desires that we discover God's will and plan. Use this mini-movie during the season of Lent to prepare the hearts of God's people to honor Jesus' death and celebrate His resurrection.