Resurrection is a visually stunning depiction of the death and resurrection of Christ. This video is a wonderful way to open your Easter Service, Sunrise Service, or a sermon about the power and hope found in Jesus' resurrection.
Created for you to use specifically for your Easter welcome, this mini-movie is straight-forward, and tells everyone the truth about what your church believes with regard to Christ's crucifixion, resurrection, and deity.
2,000 years ago Jesus Christ stood before a group of religious leaders and said, "Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days." (John 2:19) At the time, no one fully understood what He meant, but we do now. Stand before the Tomb and witness the event that changed the world forever.
It is finished. The most powerful words ever uttered. The end of sin's stranglehold on mankind. Jesus replaced guilt with grace in one moment that not only put an end to your penalty - it also began your transformation.
"On Easter weekend, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. sat in a Birmingham jail and reflected in writing on the power of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. This short film artistically expresses the power of Christ on the cross through the poetry of King's own words."
This contemporary video is a stylish way to encourage your church to invite others to your Easter Service. It reminds them of those that they need to invite that can easily be overlooked.
This quick service starter uses simple words and graphics to represent the endless loop of life's activities as they pile up one after another and pick up speed -- then encourages your congregation to stop, relax and refocus as they prepare to praise the Lord.
It's vitally important that churches be able to say, "This is who we are." This video has been created to answer that question. It's not comprehensive, but we pray it touches on some behaviors that are descriptive of your congregation's life.
Crayon drawings animate real-life responses from children as they talk about Easter. Their unfiltered and heartfelt responses bring humor and depth to the subject. Only a child could mix the silly and the sacred to so powerfully!