What Do I Really Need to Know about Easter? This 45-second sermon-starter ends with a thought-provoking question, designed to launch the teaching pastor into his/her message
How Can the Empty Tomb Change My Life? This 45-second sermon-starter ends with a thought-provoking question, designed to launch the teaching pastor into his/her message
How Can I Experience a Fresh Start? This 45-second sermon-starter ends with a thought-provoking question, designed to launch the teaching pastor into his/her message
Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? This 45-second sermon-starter ends with a thought-provoking question, designed to launch the teaching pastor into his/her message
No matter who you are. No matter what you've done. No matter what you're going through. All are invited to come to the cross. Music by The Violet Burning.
It's become popular for people to pick and choose the components of their belief system. But the greatest gift ever offered to the world is, in Christ, free for all.
Jesus tells a parable about two builders: one who built his house on the sand and one who built his house on the rock. This video examines that parable as it relates to one of the most common foundations that people build their lives upon—wealth.
As your graduates make this important transition in life, use this mini-movie to inspire them to keep their eyes focused on the ultimate goal: their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Have you ever considered the specific freedoms we have in our country? But the cost of these freedoms is great - the very lives of our brothers and sisters. Remember them, honor them, and thank them.
Some have returned home safely. Some have returned injured. Some have never returned. All have sacrificed. Great for Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day.
In this day and age, the world pressures mothers to define themselves by their occupation, when they should feel proud to define themselves by their most important job: being a mom
Celebrate Mother's Day with a daughter's look back at what really impacts the life of a child. Moms are often faced with many pressures to "have it all together". This video is a reminder that sometimes children can help release us from unnecessary expectations.