This moving, reflective piece is great for Christmas. Or use it any time to reflect on Jesus with this unique line drawing video.
The Greatest Gift
Floodgate Productions
The United States is the greatest nation on earth, not because of its military power or financial capacities, but because we are one nation UNDER GOD. Works great for any patriotic-themed service or event.
This Is Not This
Floodgate Productions
During financially challenging times, it's so easy for us to forget who we're putting our trust in. Are we trusting in Wall Street, or in the God who created it all?
Are You Thankful?
Hyper Pixels Media
This video reminds us just how blessed we are and just how thankful we should be.
Fathers Day Home Movies
Floodgate Productions
Every father leaves a legacy, but the quality of the legacy is their decision. Help the dads in your congregation see the potential of their legacy, long after they're gone.
The world tells us one thing about being blessed, yet the Word tells us something very different. Based on the Beatitudes from Christ's Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5.
An Opening Prayer
Centerline New Media
Welcome your congregation to church with this opening prayer of blessing. This worship intro asks God to move the spirits of all who are present, whether they are lost or believers, into their next steps in their walk with Jesus.
Veterans Day (We Thank You)
Centerline New Media
This mini-movie honors the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
Based on 1 Timothy 6:17, this quick and quirky Thanksgiving worship starter challenges us to move beyond simply counting our blessings and to take the time to really enjoy them as good gifts from God who loves us.
No Greater Love - A Veterans Day Reflection
Floodgate Productions
Honor the Veterans in your worship services with this inspiring mini-movie.
A reflection on grace (and politics). We often want to pick and choose who God extends grace to, and many times those happen to be the people who look a lot like us.
Is your church a community or a commodity? It’s easy for us to fall into the trap of “what does my church do for me?” Purchase includes the original version (1:56 – As Previewed) and an alternate version (2:32).
Wake Up, O Sleeper
Centerline New Media
We were once darkness, but in Christ, we are light. A reflective mini-movie based on Ephesians 5:8-14.
The God We Worship
Floodgate Productions
In this modern-day Call to Worship, connect your congregation with God, inviting them to worship Him in both spirit and truth.
We open our eyes to see His glory, our ears to hear His voice, our hearts to receive His love, and our mouths to sing His praises.